Modified Starches

Modified Starches

Modified Starches


FABRILOSE is a modified, thin, boiling starch. It has low and uniform viscosity, which does not change much with temperature unlike native starches, which show wide variation in viscosity. The keeping qualities of the native starch also show a marked variation, i.e. considerable degradation occurs on boiling.


Unlike starch, dextrins are soluble in water. The severity of the heat and acid treatment determines the degree of solubility, which is the basis for classifying or grading dextrins. Finished dextrins are very fine, powder varying in colour from pure white to light yellow.


This starch can be used for surface sizing and paper coating because of low viscosity and higher add-on on the paper. The outstanding characteristics of SAYATEX starch is that the pasting results rapidly, at a lower temperature, and the starch paste exhibits a greater degree of fluidity and clarity than that of unmodified starches.


They are effective for improving such physical properties of paper as bursting and tensile strength, elongation, fold endurance, and pick resistance. Usually 0.5% to 1% addition of cooked cationic starch, gives the same improvement in the paper as does 1.5% to 2% addition of corn starch. Other benefits of the cationic starches are improved drainage on the wire, better sheet formation and enhancement of the sizing efficiency of an alum rosin size. Cationic starches also improve the retention of fillers such as titanium dioxide, clay, calcium carbonate which are frequently incorporated in the furnish to improve the opacity of high grade printing papers, fine writing papers, light weight papers such as bread wraps, glassine, etc


SAYABOND is a ready-mix corrugation adhesive made from Maize Starch. It is specially developed for use in the corrugated paper packaging boards keeping in mind the advantages of consistency and perfection in quality.


SAYASTICK is a modified starch powder suitable for making Pasting Liquid Glue (by hot process) on semi-automatic lamination/pasting machine. SAYASTICK is used for making 3-ply and 5-ply paperboards from two ply, in those units where the double backer facility is not available. Also one can use SAYASTICK for making 7-ply board from 5-ply board.

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